STC also facilitates classes and practical exercises in Incident Command, allowing your staff to be more prepared in case of an emergency and working to familiarize your local law enforcement, fire and emergency responders with what they would face in the event of a critical incident, again tailored to take into consideration the particulars of your industry and location.

HazMat Training is offered in standard training format or can be customized to fit your operational needs. Attendees are taught using GHS directives while still allowing for a secondary focus on what your employees deal with on a day to day basis.
This OSHA developed course addresses Occupational Safety and Health Standards as described in OSHA Standard 1910.120. The training covers the guidelines associated with the regulation of hazardous waste operations and emergency response, containment, and cleanup at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites and the substantial threats associated with the unintended release of hazardous substances regardless of location.
Prerequisite: 24 HAZWOPER Technician. Hazardous materials technicians shall receive 8 hours of annual training and demonstrate competencies and knowledge required by the OSHA standards.
Awareness level employees are individuals who are likely to discover a hazardous substance release and who have been trained to initiate an emergency response plan.
A course for key personnel that is required by their job duties and responsibilities to be able to implement and perform assigned duties within the companies identified Incident Command System.
This course covers recognition of an incipient fire and appropriate course of action including appropriate methods and equipment for extinguishing a fire safely in its earliest stage. The course can be customized to include site-specific information such as types and locations of fixed extinguishing systems at an identified location and fire prevention methods associated with existing known site hazards.
The Self Contained Breathing Apparatus course is designed to develop confidence in SCBA equipment and demonstrate each employee’s ability to effectively utilize the equipment through hands-on training. This is accomplished through the use of various exercises requiring varying levels of effort and skills while wearing the SCBA.
Emergency procedures are covered and simulated exercises are required for Hazardous Materials Technicians and Confined Space Rescue team members.
Cleaning, inspection, maintenance, and storage of equipment is also covered.
Note: To be qualified to use SCBA, all candidates must be trained, medically qualified and fit tested for the specific facepiece to be worn, per the applicable OSHA standard. Facial hair that may interfere with mask performance is not permitted.